Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Visit from America, final presentation and test. Wrapping up an incredible semester

Saturday afternoon I wandered through the train station in Perugia. Sitting on this bench, reading a book over on that bench, purchasing phone minutes and fruit mentos from the bar next to the bench, and periodically checking the train arrival schedule.

After much anticipation, the train from Foligno arrived at 4:00pm.
After shrieking to a stop, the passengers unloaded one by one, dragging their rolling suitcases behind them. But alas, my sought after travelers were no where to be found.

I resigned myself to another bench as I waited for the train from Rome.
Finally, the train from Rome arrived and Patti and my dad stepped down onto the platform. They had made it! Apparently it had been quite an adventure traveling in Rome on Easter Sunday and our usual methods of communication had been inconveniently stolen by a gypsy. (I will name no names). Hence, the slight uncertainty on the exact arrival date of my Dad and Patti.

We gratefully left the station after our reunion hugs and kisses and began our Perugian adventure by taking the mini metro into the historical center. During our two and a half days together I was able to show them just about everything that I have enjoyed about Perugia; the beautiful II century rotunda church, the parks, the historical frescoes by the Perugino, the steps in the center, the panoramic views, the university, the gelato, wine, and the of course, the pizza.

The last day of their trip we regretfully said our goodbyes in from of the University building and then I went off to prepare for my final Italian presentation. As Patti and Dad traveled by train back to Rome I presented a 15 min presentation in Italian on the city of Austin. After receiving so many questions, inquiries, and comments about cowboys, I had decided to provide my Italian professor at the Umbra Institute with a little information about the Texas capital.

Today my classes are pretty much wrapped up, I have taken the final test at the University, given the presentation, and already sent one suitcase home with my Dad.

Looks like my remaining time in Italy is ticking. Three days to bid my friends and roommates (who have really become a family to me) goodbye as they wish me a buon viaggio back to The United States.

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