Thursday, January 20, 2011


Yesterday (Mercoledi/Wed.) was a busy day. Class from 9-6 with little breaks in between and then something called Tandem at 7:30pm, and then salsa dancing at the Lunabar. 'Tandem' is an opportunity for Italian students wanting to learn English to partner with American students wanting to practice Italian. There was a big group at Biriaio, the location for Tandem, a Morraccan style bar and lounge with shabby chic looking furniture, giant sitting pillows and a splatter of tables and with clusters of chairs filling up the space in each room. I sat with friends from the Full Immersion program and we were soon joined by three Italian girls all studying here in Perugia. We switched back and forth from Italian and English so we could all practice our language of study.

The conversation was broken up with questions about certian words, significances and frases. To say "I am excited/looking forward to this" you say "non vedo l'ora" (I can't see the time). You do not say "sono eccitante" This means something else.. And when you meet someone, you say "piacere conocerti" Its a pleasure to meet you.

Later that evening I went with my roomates to the Luna Bar for salsa dancing. I have only salsa danced maybe three other times in my life, but thought it would be a good idea to go and wing it. It was.
By the end of the evening I felt as if I almost knew what I was doing.

This is what I was taught about salsa from the people there;
When you dance, you dance with your smile, not with your feet or your hands. (Interpret freely.)

Also, the man suggests movements, for example a twirl, and the woman accepts. This is slightly different from the traditional leading and following concept.

Finally, la pausa. The pause in salsa is very important. Salsa is onetwothree, pause, onetwothree, pause. Everything else about the dance is not salsa, but free movement and personal style.


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